As part of Challenge Poverty Week, a Scottish initiative designed to raise awareness around poverty and what is being done to tackle it, the Poverty Alliance and the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit (SPIRU) at Glasgow Caledonian University will be holding an online lecture. Baroness Ruth Lister has been invited to deliver the second annual Challenge Poverty Lecture.
Emeritus Professor Lister is the author of numerous publications, including her seminal 'Poverty', now in its second edition (Polity, 2021). She has a long track record in seeking to both understand and take action against poverty. She was Director of the Child Poverty Action Group for much of the 1980s, before moving into academia, where is currently Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at Loughborough University. She was appointed to the House of Lords in 2011.
Across this distinguished career Professor Lister has explored how we understand and conceive poverty, and how these understandings impact both the experience of poverty and our responses to it. Recurring themes in her work include the connection between poverty and human rights; the differential experiences of poverty; discourses of poverty, in particular the experience of 'othering'.
For the Challenge Poverty Lecture 2021 Professor Lister will explore these themes and what they mean for addressing poverty in Scotland during and after the pandemic.
Tuesday 5 October 2021
6.30 Chair's Introduction; Professor John McKendrick
6.40 Lecture: Professor Ruth Lister
7.20 Discussion
7.45 Close