International Workshop in the framework of the GODAN initiative on Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition. An objective of the workshop is to develop a shared understanding how open data in the field of agriculture, food supply and nutrition can lead to societal impact.
The workshop 'Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition' and GODAN partners conference was held on 19 -21 January in the GAIA building.
From 19 to 21 January, a workshop and a meeting on Open Data was held in the Wageningen University's GAIA building. One of the workshop's objectives was to develop a shared understanding of how open data in the field of agriculture, food supply and nutrition can lead to societal impact.The GODAN workshop "Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition" from 19 to 21 January 2015, was planned back-to-back with a 2015 GODAN partner event. The workshop was hosted by the Dutch government's Ministry of Economic Affairs and was open to the public. It was organised by the Open Data Institute in the UK and Alterra. The partner event was for GODAN partners only. It was hosted by CABI and organised by Wageningen UR Library.What is GODAN? GODAN is a network that was launched in October 2013. It is an initiative that seeks to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritional data globally available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use. Anyone who supports open access to agriculture and nutrition data can join GODAN. The partners include public and private entities including donors, international organizations, non-profits, and businesses.