Use of weather data in agriculture features in CTA ICT Update
GODAN Action partners at the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) have recently released Issue 87 of their bi-monthly ICT Update bulletin.
This issue focuses on the key GODAN Action thematic topic of weather data for agriculture, drawing on lessons learned from the first half of the GODAN Action project.
The articles in this issue show how various stakeholders in the data value chain are working with and creating agriculture services from weather data while showcasing some of the best practices and the most common challenges in this field.
The articles follow on from discussions with policy-makers, practitioners and academics at two workshops in The Hague in November 2017, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, GODAN Action, CTA and Wageningen University & Research.
At the workshop, participants discussed how best to approach these practical and strategic problems, and the initial reflections of workshop participants were captured in a video produced by Wageningen Environmental Research.
In this issue of the CTA ICT Update, academics, including workshop participants, provide further, detailed reflections on the challenges and opportunities in the use of open weather data.
Read the ICT Update Issue 87 ‘Weather data for agriculture’ in full, and browse through previous issues.