Agriculture Open Data Package Working Group


GODAN launched the new Open Up Guide at IODC18 in Argentina  and the new resource is

The Open Up Guide for Agriculture provides guidance on the key elements of opening datasets in agriculture. It focuses on three elements, why open data is important, what data should be opened based on policy perspectives, and what elements should make up a strategy.

The guide was created for policymakers and civil society who want to inform decision makers on open data and agriculture, and understand how open data can make a difference for the agricultural sector and food security. It can be used by those who want to start developing an open data strategy for agricultural transformation in their country or region.

Based on consultations with the agricultural and open data community, 14 key data categories from government sources have emerged. The 14 key categories have been evaluated in terms of impact and effort to publish, along with case studies and examples of use. Details at

There are examples from around the world at

Starting June 19th - July 14th the e-Agriculture platform is hosting a forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition.  This discussion will explore how information communication technologies (ICTs) can be used to facilitate the fair use of open data in agriculture and nutrition by farmers in general and especially by the more vulnerable among them such as family farmers, rural women and the youth engaged in farming as a livelihood. 

As a lively extension of this discussion, e-Agriculture will be hosting an additional forum on the Agriculture Open Data Package from July 10th-21st.  Participants are invited to share their experiences, needs and views on government open data supporting their agricultural sector. Which data sets do you consider important, what, challenges need to be overcome and what lessons to be learned.  Results and feedback from the AgPack discussions will be synthesized and used to bring the AgPack from its beta to alpha version. The discussion will also be shared at the African Open Data Conference in Accra. The AgPAck is part of the part of the ODC open up guides.