
The Challenge

The need to increase tech-based entrepreneurs, enabling them to benefit from open data as they create farm based innovations.

The Solution

FarmHackNL is an open source Dutch partnership that is building a rich and diverse ecosystem around farmers; consisting of tech savvy coders, creative designers and committed business developers. The objective is to take an open, agile and farmer-centric approach to problem solving and innovation in agriculture.

FarmHackNL also aims to make food and agriculture attractive for a wide range of creative, tech-minded entrepreneurs and help farmers gain more actionable insights from their data by sharing it with others. FarmHackNL believe that critical support and know-how for the future of ​open data is scattered between policy and board meetings on the one hand, and day-to-day decision making on farms on the other. GODAN helps bridge the divide between different levels and degrees of involvement - both by being actively involved as an organisation on all different levels, and supporting others to do the same.

The Outcome

Farmers are benefitting from a wider range of tech based innovations which help them improve their operations. FarmHackNL has organised more than 15 open data Hackathons with around 450 participants.